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It is a silver company founded by F.B. Rogers in Shellburne Falls, Massachussets in 1883, moving to Taunton in 1886. In 1955, it became part of the National Silver Company. Millions of pieces of their silverware are still around. A long list is posted on eBay, and any antique dealer worth his salt knows a bit about the company and its products. A link is provided to the Wikipedia article on the F.B. Rogers Silver Company.

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F. B. Rogers Silver Co. was created in 1883.

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its silver plated...unless it says sterling on it. this company was known for making silver plated sets.

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What is A FBRogers silver platter?

FB Rogers silver platter is a very old silver product. The F.B. Rogers Silver Company started in Shelburne Falls Massachusetts in 1883. Edmund W. Ported and L.B. West is the two people who sat up and ran the company.

What does the IS on silverware stand for?

IS stands for International Silver (Company). FB Rogers, Wm Rogers, and Rogers Bros. (or Rogers & Sons) were some of the American silverplate manufacturers that were combined into the International Silver Company in 1898. The IS mark indicates the flatware is silverplate, rather than sterling.

What is the value of a candleabra 5 candles with bottom marked trade mark with a crown fb rogers silver company taunton mass quadruple 6018 that is approx 15 tall thanks?

If the candelabra is sterling silver and marked with a crown, the value could be as much as about 600 dollars. The FB Rogers Silver Company in Taunton, Massachusetts released a large number of these candelabras and the value does follow the silver market.ÊÊ

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What is the value & Years made of FB Rogers FBR24 Teaset? All that it says on the bottom is F B Rogers.

What does fbr stand for?

The initials fbr stand for FB Rogers Silver Co, a company that manufactured mostly silverplate tableware in the 19th century. In 1898, Rogers was acquired by International Silver Co., along with a number of other small companies that specialized in silver plating. International Silver, indicated by the letters IS, continued selling products under the fbr or fb Rogers brand name until the late 20th century.

What is the value of an 1883 FB Rogers Silver Set 2391?

Rogers never issued siverware sets in silver. Once in a while you might find a set in silver plate, but no silver sets. The value is whatever you might get for it.

What is the value of WM Rogers 292 silver serving tray?

Rogers & Bros. (not to be confused with FB Rogers or Wm Rogers), founded in 1847, was a maker of silver-plated kitchenware, including trays, although they were more noted for their flatware. They were purchased by International Silver Co. in the 1950s (as was FB Rogers). The 1847 is part of a maker's mark, not a manufacturing year. Resale of their silver-plated trays averages about $15.50, according to the Silver Plate Flatware Co. For more information, see Related Links, below.