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A collective noun is a rack of hats.

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Q: What is term for hats collectively?
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What is a term for hats collectively?


What term that refers collectively to priest and bishop?

for bishops, a conclave

What do you call someone who makes hats?

A hat-maker is called a hatter, with the term milliner reserved for makers of women's hats.

What is the group of external parts of the female reproductive system?

Collectively, the term for this is the vulva.

What do you understand by the term ingestion?

The acts of getting food and eating it collectively are called ingestion

What is the word for 'hat-maker'?

That would be "milliner". That is a word I haven't thought about in many years! To be more precise, a "milliner" is a maker of women's hats. There is another term for a make of men's hats, but I can't recall the term. Anyone? Yes, the term for a maker of men's hats is simply enough: hatter . From inside a man's hat: Woodrow & Sons Hatters in Dublin The term you were looking for is a "Modiste". ;)

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Mankind refers to all human beings collectively. It is a term used to describe the human race as a whole.

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A gas is something that is not be liquid or solid


Collectively, those three drugs are known as narcotics.

What is the term used to collectively describe protons and neutrons?

Type your answer here... conected or together

What is luggage called for hats?

The proper term for luggage for a hat would be a hat box.

What term refers to the arms and legs?

The term for the arms and legs collectively is "limbs."