South Siberia
Relative location describes the position of a place or entity in relation to other landmarks or objects. It is often described in terms of directions, distance, or landmarks. For example, one could say that a town is located west of a city, or that a store is located next to a gas station.
The relative location of the Nile River is in the Northeast corner of Africa.
Absolute location: 27 degrees south, 133 degrees east Relitive location: Loacted directly to the south of Papua New Guinea.
A reference point since it doesn't move they only way it changes is with its relitive location from something else.
the themes arelocation:absolute location (Ex.12degrees N and 13degrees E) or relitive location(the neighoboring countriesplace:wherehuman environment interaction: what men do to environmentregion:religionand, movement:the things they travel with
humans and monkeys/apes
It is a south American bear.
no he was not a relitive of his was
yes he was james the first relitive
a guessed date of the age of objects such as rocks
Haiti is located in the Caribbean region, sharing the island of Hispaniola with the Dominican Republic. It is situated to the east of Cuba and Jamaica.