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"The good old days"

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Q: What is another way of categorizing nostalgia?
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Is there a way of categorizing tornadoes?

yes, there is 5 levels based on the speed of the wind

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The Nostalgia Chick - 2008 Not Another Breaking Dawn Review 5-33 was released on: USA: 29 November 2012

Why don't you allow punctuation in your questions?

The owners and developers created it that way. It reduces problems with categorizing.

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What does bradbury say about categorizing his work science fiction?

categorizing his work

What is another word for Charming in a rustic way?

Another word for charming in a rustic way could be "quaint." This term suggests a simple, old-fashioned charm that is characteristic of rural or countryside settings. It conveys a sense of nostalgia and coziness that is often associated with rustic or pastoral environments.

Why is categorizing a question considered as organization?

Because you are organizing the question by categorizing it, and not editing it.

What is the secondary way in which goods and services are classified?

The second approach to categorizing products is to classify them on the basis of their uses.

What is arthropodas?

insects, Spiders, shrimp and other bugs. phylum is the name of the scientific way of categorizing animals

Who survived from the titanic that were important and how many?

Everybody is important one-way-or-another but if one wants to be severe about categorizing, there were 201 people in First-Class and four senior officers that all survived the sinking of Titanic.