Anywhere between $1500 US., to $4000 US. depending on how rare it is, and if the signature is real, and not faked. It also depends on what document the signature is written on, whether it is common photograph, or on a rare one of a kind document. Value depends on whether the signature is written by hand, or photocopied. Most value is written in his own personal handwriting, with his name alone signed on it.
I have a 1977 Special Olympics Book with Charles Bronsonโs autograph.
I was just wondering if it was worth anything.
Multiple counts of murder.
No. An autograph devalues a card. It makes the card worth as much as the autograph, and a fake autograph is worth nothing.
how much is a signed autograph on a cd cover worth of madonna?
How much would a tonto autograph be worth
What is a Louis Armstong autograph worth
The amount will vary depending upon what the autograph is on. If it is on a jersey, it will be worth close to $100.
This will depend upon what his autograph is in. If you have a signed poster, it will be worth close to $50.
Strictly based on the piece the autograph is on!
how much is a Oscar de la hoya autograph worth
It is worth between $7000 and $9000 depending on the quality of the autograph.
Queen Elizabeth the 2 autograph worth a billion dollars. Actually, it depends.