Next to nothing. These replicas have a layer of gold on the foil that is an atom or two thick. It is not really measurable and it would take thousands of them to make an amount worth anything. You might be able to get a $1 or two. Actually some are worth alot. Some DU stamps that come on prints are 1 ounce of gold, and they will be marked 24k. At todays pricing of gold it would be worth over 1700 dollars.
The gun has 1997 in gold on the receiver.
I have 4 volumes of coins of all nations, with stamps that we purchased some 15-20 years ago. What is their worth.
I have a unuse Fredrick Douglass stamp i want to know how much is it worth
The value of these gold replica stamps, the ones on First Day Covers, is minimal. The amount of gold is so small that it would take thousands of them to make up an ounce of gold.
You can't get Unlimited Gold.
500 USD
$1.50 (Scott Specialized Catalog of US Stamps 2011, page 405(First Day Covers))
Gold stamps are worth the least amount of money. If you get a green stamp it is worth a couple hundred dollars. The black stamp is priceless.
Stamps of gold are generally just replica stamps that are coated with a very thin layer of gold foil. They are manufactured by private companies, not the US government, so they are not limited edition. Generally speaking they are not worth much in terms of gold weight or collectibility/rarity.
Depending on exact model, condition, box, papers, accessories, etc., 100-400 USD.
Certainly they are real - you can touch them and see them . . . I think you may have meant to ask if the gold on postage stamps is real. First, there is no postage stamp with gold on it . . . you are referring to 22k gold stamps made by people to sell to people who think they are buying something valuable. These are called replica stamps and are nearly worthless because no dealer will buy them.