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This is a huge list better to buy a book on the Flouresce of gem stone`s,

their is short wave / long wave.

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Q: What gemstones flouresce in ultra violate light?
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What is caused by exposures of high levels of ultra violate light?

black holes

A wave that can travel through empty space is?

You could have Gamma, ultra violate, infrared and radio

What is the comparison between visible light and ultra violet light?

You can see visible light but not ultra violet light.

How do you use the word ultra in a sentence?

Ultra is typically a prefix, not a word, but is used as slang or a short form of longer words.(extremist, from ultra-nationalist)Police rounded up ultra suspects after the bombing.(ultra marathon)Running an ultra requires great endurance.(ultra-secret)British decryption of German codes in World War II was code-named Ultra.

What blocks ultra violate radiation?

the ozone layer but because of CO2 the are some gapes in it that can effect the earth and destroy the planet

Which layer of the earth has the least ultra violate rays from the sun?

Stratosphere has least UV rays. It is because of the ozone present in it.

What type of light is at 365nm?

It is ultra violet light.

Can the rabies virus survive in snow?

Rabies virus is very delicate virus. It is inactivated by desiccation and ultra-violate light. It is easily killed by high temperature, say 70 degree Celsius.

Individual wavelength of visible ultra violet?

Ultra violet light is not visible!

What is a synonym for ultralight?

Ultra light

What kind of light drives photosynthesis?

Plants primarily use visible light, with red and blue wavelengths being the most effective for driving photosynthesis. Green light is less efficient because it is reflected by chlorophyll.

What does the hair actually provide for your survival and how is this connected to the brain?

it provides protection for the scalp from the ultra-violate rays adn is connected from the roots to your brain