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Q: What eats a superb fairy wrens?
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Related questions

Is superb fairy wrens endangerd?


When do Superb Fairy Wrens breed?

On spring to late summer

Do red foxes eat superb fairy wrens?

i live near margaret river and the other day i looked outside my window and their was a fox jumping on top of 12 fairy wrens crikey it was crazy

Are superb fairy-wrens social creatures?

Yes, fairy-wrens are social creatures. The bird is such a social animal that you'll often find them in groups of one male with several females and their young. Both sexes feed the chicks, sometimes other members of the social group will also help with feeding time. This allows more broods to be raised each season.

Do fairy wrens hunt mice?

Only in New Finland

What eats a fairy?

what eats a fairy shrimp .

How many different kinds of wrens are there?

there are alot of wren types (about 60) a few are: the blue-fairy wren the cactus wren the sedge wren purple crowned fairy wren

Is the superb fairy wren a social bird?

Yes. It is

What is the main predator of the superb fairy wren?


What eats cactus wrens?

snakes and blue jays eat cactus wren

What a fairy shrimp eat?

what eats a fairy shrimp .

Are blue wrens native to Australia?

Absolutely. Although commonly called the "blue wren", the correct name for this species is Superb Fairy Wren. Their presence was noted before the arrival of the First Fleet in 1788. The species was one of the first from Australia to be described, in 1782, as a result of Cook's voyage to the continent in 1770. Blue wrens are widespread throughout eastern Australia, and have adapted well to European settlement, establishing themselves in parks, gardens and suburbia.