A Hob Knocker is when a guy slaps a sexual partner across the face with his penis.
It means HOUSE Of Bangles!
Kettle and Hob - Fob Watch.
"Hob knocker" is a made-up slang term featured in the TV show "iCarly." In the show, a hob knocker is defined as someone who knocks on the door of their friend's house and leaves before the friend answers the door.
the hob is a black market in district 12
Often you need to know the context to determine what medical acronyms stand for. HOB can mean different things.Some examples are:"Head of Bed" and would be used, for example, in an order from the doctor to "Sleep with the HOB raised to 45 degrees after meals if you have acid reflux."Another is "Human Osteoblasts". These are cells that work in the formation of bones.
Pasta could be cooked on a hob
Naghmet Hob was created in 1994.
Hob Hiller was born in 1893.
Hob Hiller died in 1956.
the hob of haydn is a violin concerto by the composer Haydn