In Maths, we often talk about ascending and descending order. Ascending order is writing numbers from smallest to largest. Descending order is writing numbers from largest to smallest.
draw a flow chart to arrange 3 numbers in ascending order
Arrange the numbers in ascending order, and then take the mean of the fourth and fifth number.
vhdl code for ascending order of numbers
ascending order
"Ascending order" means each one is bigger or higher than the one before it. It doesn't matter whether they're fractions, whole numbers, mixed numbers, temperatures, costs, weights, volumes, decimals, etc.
Ascending is an order in which things can be sorted. Ascending would be going from A to Z or lowest to highest numbers or earliest to latest dates.
Ascending order
Ascending means increasing in value or moving higher, while descending means decreasing in value or moving lower. In a numeric sequence, ascending would go from lowest to highest, while descending would go from highest to lowest.
In ascending order, perhaps!
largest to smallest