

Best Answer

Gold dust is the common dust, blue dust is what re-powers the Pixie Dust Tree, and rainbow pixie dust is just fun to play with. Oh, and if your cruel enogh to pluck Mother Dove, fresh dust makes you fly as fast as Vidia! ~HoneyOnTheHollow

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Q: What do the colored fairy dust mean?
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Related questions

Where can you get real fairy dust?

Fairies are not real. And no fairy's means no fairy dust.

Where does green fariy dust come from?

There is no such thing as green fairy dust or fairy dust. It doesn't exist.

When was Fairy Dust created?

Fairy Dust was created on 2008-10-27.

What do you call a fairy dust sprinkler?

Fairy dust is actually called pixie dust, and the sprinkler is called The Pixie Dust Holder.

Is fairy dust real?

No. Neither fairies nor fairy dust are real.

Where do you buy fairy dust?

you can buy fairy dust on line one of the websites are called fairy dust for magical fairies YOU CANT BUY FAIRY DUST,A FAIRY HAS TO GIVE YOU IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!everybody knows that?!

Where do you get fairy dust?

I am sorry,but fairies don't exist(only in fairy tales)So you can't find a place with fairy dust.

Where do you find fairy dust?

you cant it's fake Actually, it is real only if you believe and if you do then if you see a fairy fairy dust is close by.

Where is the fairy's pixie dust at mcworldcom?

fairy dust comes from thing stuff and colourful surgar

What makes up a fairy?

Cells and fairy dust

Where can you get Fairy dust?

Fairy dust does not actually exist. This is legendary (as in bogus) made up by movies or Disney.

How do children in the sims makin magic get fairy dust?

Have them play with the fairy toy box. Every now and then, it will produce fairy dust in a little bag.