Leg strength, how many easy questions are there on www.Wikiansers.com???
Walking up a steep sand hill with fragile and shallow rooted plants could damage that part.
by walking :)
Denim clothing is not suitable for hill walking because it is an abrasive material. Denim will rub your legs until they hurt.
Hiking is a combination of the words Hill + Walking.
It goes around the perimeter of Herron Hill reservoir in the Hill District.
walking speed.
Bryan Oliver Hill has written: 'Statistical mapping techniques applied to population data'
Legs are the limbs used for walking.
Walking down-hill, especially with a heavy pack, puts a very high strain on your legs.
Walking up a hill requires your muscles to work against gravity, leading to more effort and energy expenditure compared to walking on level ground. The incline of the hill increases the vertical lifting component of walking, which adds additional resistance and makes it more difficult to move forward.
Ned Hill has written: 'Small area planning techniques' -- subject(s): Urban economics, Mathematical models