

What are fairy wings made of?

Updated: 10/20/2022
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13y ago

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Same as insect wings. But inside, fairy dusts and magic

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They are made of spider silk

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Q: What are fairy wings made of?
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How do you say 'fairy wings' in German?

fairy wings = Feenflügel

Is thiere a poshen to be a fairy with wings?

There isn't a fairy in reality,let alone poshen for wings

How can you grow fairy wings in 1 day?

It is not possible to grow fairy wings in 1 day as they are a fictional concept. Wings are not something that humans can naturally grow.

How do you grow fairy wings?

unfortunately you can't grow fairy wings but if you imagine you are a fairy you can be one even though nobody will be able to tell

Which is the most common wings a fairy would have a real fairy wings for a real fairy?

Ok, well I have seen a fairy. A Never Fairy. They have clear wings oval shaped, one point on their back, and with the bottom wings the same exept smaller. They are clearish white. They wear clothes made out of leaves and flomers. They also have powers. Either, wind, light, plants, animal, or water. If you want to learn more watch Tinkerbell or read the books or e-mail

How do you tell you're a fairy?

If you have wings and can grant wishes you can be a fairy

How can you tell your a fairy?

if you have wings

How do i turn into a fairy with wings?

You can't

How do you you get fairy wings on poptropica?

The fairy wings are available with costumes, and was previously available on the Tinkerbell ad-game for Disney (blue fairy costume worked for girls and boys!?).

Is scientists making fairy wings?

scientists does, but if you are a real fairy nothing will happen.

How can you get your fairy wings i cannot change into my wings i did once my name is Diana i am the fairy of honesty and loyalty i can use my power which is all powers including the dragon fire?

You are not a fairy and you cannot get your wings. What you describe here sounds like a dream. It isn't real.

Can you wear your Fairy Wings in rooms on Virtual Family Kingdom?

It will let you but its best not to because then people tell you to take the Fairy Wings off. Then then tthey will booted/kicked you out of the room.They ask you cause the Fairy wings causes their computer to lag. Hopes this helps! :)