Assuming you refer to 20th century British general circulation Halfcrown coins, none are currently rated as rare.
The 1927, 1937 and 1950 "Matt Proof FDC" coins are considered to be of the highest rarity.
The 1952 coin is unique, there was only one made.
There are over 40 different William III Halfcrown coins and variants. The lowest value is £50, the highest is £8,500 GBP, plus those that are regarded as unique or extremely rare.
These coins are neither rare nor valuable. If you really want to sell it, try a coin dealer in your area. Whatever he gives you for it might pay for your train fare.
No, these are not considered rare.
I bought most of my rare coins at auctions.
We cannot see you rare coins. Since we cannot even see your rare coins, we do not even know if your coins are indeed 'rare', what they are, their condition, when they were made - we do not know anything. Please specify in a different question what your coin is, the date it was made, and the condition it is in.
Yes, there are rare coins from the Bahamas. One of the coins is a 1991 Bahamas gold coin where only 500 of them were made
Rare coins are not common. Some rare coins that well known would be a 1909 S VDB penny.
Please be more specific. Many U.S. one dollar coins are considered rare.
Generally not. Old circulated silver coins occasionally turn up, but banks don't make a point of keeping rare coins in stock.
in the 1800s are rare.......the Red Book tells you all kinds of rare dates
there are coin shows and coin collecting clubs. I'm sure you can also buy rare coins on the internet. Some pawn shops or jewelry stores may have some rare coins. And private dealers.