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Q: The penny red stamp was the first to have what?
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Related questions

What was the colour of the very first post stamp?

The first stamp was the One Penny Black. And it was black in color. It was soon change to red to allow the cancellations to show more clearly.

Why is the Penny Black stamp famous?

It is the first stamp issued. That makes it the 'First.'

Which country is the postage stamp Penny Red from?

Penny Red is from Australia and is considered a favorite among stamp collectors around the world. With it's distinctive design and red color it is very recognizable.

When the penny black was invented?

The British Penny Black stamp was was the first ever postage stamp. It was first issued on May 6, 1840.

What stamp did roland hill create?

The One Penny Black, the first postage stamp.

What was the first postage stamp?

Penny Black

Which is the first stamp in the world?

The first adhesive postage stamp was the Penny Blackissued by the UK in 1840.

What is the name of the first British postage stamp?

The penny black was the worlds first postage stamp in 1840.

What is the first stamp made in the world?

penny black

When was the postage stamp made?

Postage stamps were first commonly available in Great Britain. The One Penny Black is considered the first stamp available for sale. They were printed in 1840. The following year the One Penny Red was issued, one of the earliest and fairly common stamps available.

What was the name of Britain's first stamp- which sold for one penny?

The One Penny Black.

What is the nickname of the first postage stamp?

The first postage stamp is called the Penny Black. It was issued by Great Britain.