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Q: Is there any collections for bulky rubbish near bloxwich walsall?
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Are there special collections fr bulky rubbish such as old mattresses?


Are there special collections for bulky rubbish?

No! :D XD :0 BY ME N.P.R

Are there special collections for bulky rubbish such as mattresses?

It depends where you live. Some places have them, so check with your local authority.

Are there special collections for bulky rubbish such as old mattresses?

It depends where you live. Some places have them, so check with your local authority.

Are special collections for bulky rubbish such as old mattresses?

It depends where you live. Some places have them, so check with your local authority.

Are there special for bulky rubbish such as old mattresses?

It depends where you live. Some places have them, so check with your local authority.

How is the word bulky used in a sentence?

I struggled along with that bulky package to the best of my abilities. That's a bulky sweater!

Does bulky pancreas recover?

The pancreas can recover from an acute inflammation or injury, such as pancreatitis. However, if the pancreas is persistently bulky due to chronic conditions like pancreatic cysts or tumors, recovery may require specific treatments like surgery, chemotherapy, or other medical interventions, depending on the underlying cause. It is essential to work closely with a healthcare provider to determine the appropriate course of action for a bulky pancreas.

What part of speech is bulky?

The word bulky is an adjective. It describes something as being extremely large in size.

A sentence with the word bulky?

The patient has a bulky bilateral axillary adenopathy

How do you put bulky in a sentence?

My backpack is bulky from all the binders I have to put in it.

Which is the bulky fuel to transport?

Natural gas is considered a bulky fuel to transport due to its low energy density compared to liquid fuels like gasoline or diesel. Because of this, natural gas requires special transportation methods such as pipelines or compressed gas tanks, which can be more cumbersome and expensive compared to liquid fuels.