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Q: Is a niche the same as a cache?
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Is L3 cache and internal cache are the same?

Not the same.

Do mosses and bacteria have the same habitat or the same niche?

no they do not have the same niche but same habitat, so what?

Do gazelles and mule deer have the same niche?

Yes they do have the same niche

What is a cache ram?

Same as L2 cache.On Apple Macintosh computers, the term RAM cache refers to a disk cache.

Can 2 niches overlap the same niche successfully?

Yes, two niches can overlap successfully if they complement each other or offer a unique angle. This overlapping can create a hybrid niche that caters to a broader audience or provides a more comprehensive solution. It's essential to understand the target audience's needs and ensure that the combination adds value and relevance.

Why Two species cannot occupy the same niche?

If two animals occupied the same niche, they would have to compete for the resource that is gained from that specific niche

What is the difference between the locations of discrete L2 cache and advanced transfer cache?

On-Package L2 cache (discrete L2 cache) is on a separate microchip within the processor housing, while Advanced Transfer Cache (ATC) is located directly on the same die as the processor core.

Do Lions and Tigers Occupy the Same Niche?

Lions and tigers occupy similar niches in their respective habitats as apex predators and the top of the food chain. However, they are not found in the same habitat in the wild, as lions are found in Africa while tigers are found in Asia. This separation helps reduce direct competition between the two species.

If two mouse species tried to occupy the same niche in a meadow?

If 2 mouse species tried to occupy the same niche they would fight. The mice fight to right to occupy the niche. The winner of the fight gets the niche.

Is a viral species a group of viruses that have the same genetic information and ecological niche?

no, very similar genetic information. as you and i dont have the same genetic information do we? same ecological niche? well sorta, i wouldnt call it an ecological niche, the factors that make the niche such as temperature, humidity, host range would be the same.

How fast is the l1 cache?

The L1 cache speed runs at the same speed as the CPU-central processing unit.

Why ecological equivalents do not share the same niche.?

Because depending on where the organism is located, then there it will develop its niche.