I have a 1847 Rogers Bros stamp I S what does this mean ?
and what is it worth?
1847 rogers bros is the name of the company the silver is from 1937 and its only silver plated so its worth a little over par.
Hi, Rogers Bros 1847 Eternally Yours is silver plate.
1847 rogers bros is the name of the company the silver is from 1937 and its only silver plated so its worth a little over par.
The "1847" in 1847 Rogers signifies the year that the process of silver plating was discovered. Shortly thereafter Rogers Brothers began manufacturing silver plated wares.
The 1847 Rogers Bros. IS Flair is made from sterling silver. This means that it is actually 100 percent real silver.
250$ not a penny more
If it is stamped "stainless steel", then not really...might get something at an auction because of the age.
If it is stamped "stainless steel", then not really...might get something at an auction because of the age.
What percentage of silver is Rogers&bro silverware
Rogers Brothers is a silverware company that actually began in the 1820's but apparently used the actual Rogers Bros. name for the first time in 1847. Also, it seems that 1847 Rogers Bros silver plate or at least the trademark is still being manufactured or used today by the International Silver Company. In the late 1800's, Rogers Bros merged with or was purchased by the International Silver Company.
The "1847" date on the back does not mean the piece was made that year. Many Rogers pieces have the company founding date on them.
Yes it is sterling silver