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Q: In which sentence is the verb tense correct We went to a show and visited the flea market. We woke up early and go to the flea market. I had heard the stories and they always make me laugh. I will com?
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No, the sentence should be: "She does not always complete her homework."

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"Who sells it?" is correct (always capitalize the first letter of a sentence).

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Your presence is always there for me is technically a correct sentence. It might sound better if written "you are always there for me." The addition of "your presence" is redundant.

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a - he always does it

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No, it is not the correct sentence. Beacuse the form of the word "expect" was used in past tense (expected), you would have to make the verb (will) in past tence. The correct sentence is : You had always expected I would do this.

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Yes, the sentence is correct; however, "coorect" is spelled correct.

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NOT without an "are" between the "you" and the "always".

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