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The originals and official restrikes were all struck, not cast or molded. But be nice. Call it a reproduction, not a fake.

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Q: If there is a mold seam on the side of 1776 Continental Currency coin is it fake?
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How can you determine if a pewter 1776 continental currency coin is not a fake?

The coin has to say Continental Currency on the front with the 1776 date, sometimes they miss spell it and it says continental Curency. It should also have a sun and a sundial with the word Fugio to the left of it. On the back there are 13 circles representing the 13 colonies. Each circle should look like they intertwine with each other, and the circle in the center should say we are one. the ring around the center should say american Congress. Little bumps should Surround the edges on both sides. Hope its real! :)

How do you notice the fake fugio coin of 1776?

All genuine "Fugio Coppers" are date 1787 not 1776, so the date on your coin is wrong or it's not a Fugio cent.

How do you find out if your 1776 continental currency coin is real?

The easiest way when dealing with early American coinage is to take it to a coin dealer. These coins are hard to evaluate until you hold them in your hand. Since many of these coins were abused, buried or otherwise damaged and since the production methods were primitive by today's standards, its really hard to describe what makes a coin genuine or not. The first thing I'd do though is search for any indication that "COPY" or "REPLICA" (or sometimes "R" or "C" ) is stamped on the coin, if you have one of these on your coin, you can know for sure it is a fake.

ComWhat if your continental currency coin has only one R in currency?

Early coins often had misspellings because the engravers were not necessarily well-educated in the modern sense, and moreover, English spelling was not yet standardized. The "curency" goof is a recognized variety. Continental currency is among the most frequently reproduced early coinage. Replicas will have the small word "COPY" worked into the design somewhere to indicate they're a reproduction, while fake ones will not have any special markings. If your coin doesn't have the word COPY on it, you can try dropping it gently. Most but not all fakes will sound clunky while a genuine coin will ring. However, even if it rings it could still be a good counterfeit so it would be best to have it inspected in person.

What do you call a counterfeit coin?

A counterfeit coin is often referred to as a fake or a forgery.

How can you tell if a Continental Currency coin is a fake?

Look for the word COPY or REPLICA in tiny letters somewhere on the coin. All replicas made since the 1970s are required by law to carry that marking. If the word doesn't appear, it's unfortunately not a guarantee the coin is genuine. Loads of copies were made before that time and were in everything from "collectibles" sets to promos from gas stations. You'd need to have it examined in person to be certain, but as there are far more copies than originals you should be prepared to find out that your coin is not the real thing.

Whats the Difference between fake and the original AUS coin?

What do you refer to as the "the original AUS coin" and why do you think you have a fake?

How does fake currency impact the normal functioning of the economy?

its not funny

Is a Eire 1990 one punt coin fake or real but cant be used?

It would be a real coin. Éire is the official name for Ireland in the Irish language, so it is a coin from Ireland.

What to look for in a fake 1783 nova constellatio coin?

Look for a seam along the rim edge of the coin which would mean is a casting and fake. Check the weight. An authentic coin should weigh 268.5 to 269.5 grams. Much lighter or heavier means fake.

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If you doubt the authenticity of any coin, take it to a coin dealer.

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