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Q: How much money does Canadian Government print per day?
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How much money does the Canadian government make each year?

a cagillion

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How much money does the Canadian Government make in tax money per liter of gas?

It makes 1,000,000,000

How much money does the Canadian government spend annually on technology?

They usally spend 5.00$ anullay

How much money does the Canadian government spend every year on aboriginals?

6.5 billion annually.

Why a country will not print much money to pay all government debts?

Because the government is only basing their money to their dollar reserves and gold reserves which is an international medium of exchange.If the government produces more money than the value of their reserves,it is called inflation.

How much money does the US government print a day?

The US prints 38,000,000 bills a day. Source: Pawn Stars on the History Channel.

How much is 20 American dollars in Canadian money?

20 Canadian dollars would be $18.35 in American money

How does the mint detirmine how much money to print?

The U.S. treasurer, part of the executive department, says how much money to print. He probably gets his orders from the president.

How much is 1 Taiwanese dollar in Canadian money?

One New Taiwan dollar is equal to 0.036 in Canadian money.

How much is 10 p worth in Canadian money?

£0.10 = Canadian $0.16