Nothing. Until you find a bird that writes letters (only birds inhabit Staffa) there supposed stamps are worthless.
The 60th Birthday of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II of A Magnificent Limited Edition Collection of 23ct. Gold Stamps 12 stamps pages .
There are many places were one can purchase a self inking stamp including but not limited to Amazon, Staples, Office Max, Tiny prints and many online retailers specializing in stamp products.
THE 1993 US Elvis stamp was the best-selling commemorative stamp of all time, with over 517 million sold as singles or in sheets. Many Elvis stamps issued in limited editions are extremely valuable, but not the US stamp.
Consult a stamp catalog that uses the Scott Numbering system. Most US companies use this numbering system. It will help you identify the stamp and the information about it. In addition to the year(s) of issue, it can also provide estimated values and other pertinent information.
The International Postal Union sets standards for stamps to be used on international mail. At a minimum the stamp must have the name of the country and a value on it. The country may specify their own standards in addition to these.
Very little. These replicas have a layer of gold on the foil that is an atom or two thick. It is not really measurable and it would take thousands of them to make an amount worth anything. You might be able to get a $1 or two.
The Indiana stamp on it does not increase the value, in fact, if the coin had some numismatic value prior to being stamped the addition of the stamp would decrease the value. If it is just a common date penny I would just spend it or you can keep it. There may be a value for it in maybe, 300 years.
That would be the pharmacy stamp. This is a common US commemorative stamp. If you want to buy just one it will probably cost you from 10 to 25 cents at a stamp store. If you want to order it by mail, you would have to pay postage and handling in addition. Dealers get them as part of larger lots for almost nothing per stamp- say 65% face if mint and 1/2 cent if used. It is the kind of stamp I use on letters if unused or give to kids if used.
Cost of a postage stamp was dependent on the face value of the stamp and the country. The most common rate stamp is for First Class Mail. In 1989 it was 25 cents for the first ounce.
If it's real $50
This is a common US commemorative stamp. If you want to buy just one it will probably cost you from 10 to 25 cents at a stamp store. If you want to order it by mail, you would have to pay postage and handling in addition. Dealers get them as part of larger lots for almost nothing per stamp- say 65% face if mint and 1/2 cent if used. It is the kind of stamp I use on letters if unused or give to kids if used.