How much is a seth Thomas grandfather clock worth with number 4499-003
I'm looking for a similar Harris & Mallow mechanism. No success yet, but here's a description of Thomas Industries: Don't know if they still own the clock division though.
That is like asking 'How much is a Chevrolet worth?' Is it a wall, table, mantle, grandfather clock? Which model? When was it made? Is it mechanical, electric, or quartz?
We purchased a Seth Thomas model 4372a cutting 8602 in like new in a garage sale? What is it worth? How do I tell how old it is? We seem to have shipping papers dated 03/13/1986 from Merrimack, NH.
what is the value of Baldwin Grandfather Clock model #CS7006
waiting for answer on value for Howard Miller model # 610150 clock
There is no model 613-641 of Howard Miller clock.
What is the value of a thomas organ model California 262
what is the value of a thomas organ model 606f
I found the model number on the back of my clock. Mine is an older clock, probably from the 1970's.