Assuming it has a recent date (within the last 20 or 30 years) it's a common circulation coin with no collector value. Its value in the US will change with the exchange rate between the 2 countries. As of late 2009 the 2 currencies are almost equal so it's effectively 10 cents in either country.
$0.10 Canadian, same as it is in Canada. The exact exchange rate varies from moment to moment, but as of mid-August 2011, it's worth (roughly) the same as a US dime.
10 cents.
It's still worth 10 cents in Canada, which as of June 2016 is about 8 cents US.
about a dime
A 1956 Canadian dime is worth approximately 2 dollars.
A dime is worth 10 cents, or 1/10 of a US dollar.
How much is 1903 Canadian dime worth
a dollar
It's worth 10 cents in Canada.
10 cents.