about $1.50---maybe
1944,10000 Yuan's in dollars is 30920132.8600 US dollars
The Yuan is the base unit of both former and present day Chinese currencies. A 1941 CNY of 100 Yuan is equal to 312.86771 USD. Currently, one Chinese Yuan equals 0.16 US Dollar.
The Chinese do not issue dollars in any denomination. 1000 Chinese yuan = 146.42400 U.S. dollars.
about 48 dollars
It is 1360 yuan
about 7 yuan is one us dollar
As of today (02APR2011), 1 Yuan is worth about $0.1527 US Dollars. $1.00 US Dollar is worth about 6.5 Yuan.
1 Yuan (CNY) = 0.146512 USD ... So 100 Yuan = 14.65 USD
value of one hundred yuan note from 1941
In Dollars or Yuan?