Depends. Since it is a replica, it has no collector value at all. However, replicas are sometimes made in good metal and so its worth whatever the melt value of the coin is. If it was made in 90% gold like the original and had the same dimensions, it would be worth ~$1,500 in gold scrap. If it was minted in 90% silver it would be worth about ~$20 in silver scrap. If it was minted in a base metal (copper, lead, etc.) and was gold plated, it would be next to worthless and only worth a couple of bucks as a curiosity if even that.
The 1849 Liberty Head Double Eagle is one of the icons of US coins, an many replicas exist. The only known example is in the Smithsonian collection.
I have a 1883 $10.00 Gold Liberty Eagle. How much is it worth?
If you mean a replica of a 1933 $20 gold coin? it's only worth what you can get.
Prices for a 22kt gold Wyoming statehood replica stamp vary from $0.99 up to $15.00.
Retail prices as of 11/2008: Worn condition - $3,600 Moderately worn - $5,100 Slightly worn - $8,200 Uncirculated specimens are in excess of $15,000
1907 was the first year of issue.
$180.00- $25,000.00
Gold coin values below are based on the bid price at the CME. These coins were in standard circulation until gold was removed from all circulating coinage in 1933. The values below only reflect the gold value, not rarity or numismatic value. All values shown in USD.Coin value calculations use the gold price for August 30, 2011:Gold $1819.40/oz 30.90DescriptionFace ValueGold Value1849-1854 Liberty Gold Dollar Type 1$1.00$88.001854-1856 Liberty Gold Dollar Type 2$1.00$88.001856-1889 Liberty Gold Dollar Type 3$1.00$88.001840-1907 Liberty Quarter Eagle$2.50$220.031908-1929 Indian Quarter Eagle$2.50$220.031839-1908 Liberty Half Eagle$5.00$440.051908-1929 Indian Half Eagle$5.00$440.051838-1907 Liberty Eagle$10.00$880.131907-1933 Indian Eagle$10.00$880.131849-1907 Liberty Double Eagle$20.00$1760.261907-1933 Saint Gaudens Double Eagle$20.00$1760.26
how much is a 1907-d liberty ten dollar gold coin in extra fine condition worth
10 $.
If it's a replica, then it's only gold-plated at best, and it's only worth as much as someone is willing to pay (which won't be much).