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The Canadian dollar is currently worth about $.94 US, so one Canadian cent would be worth .94 US cents.

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Q: How much is 9 dollars worth in today's Canadian currency?
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How much is canada money worth?

That depends on which currency you wish to compare. On March 7, 2012 the Canadian dollar is worth slightly more than the US dollar. $1.00 Canadian is worth $1.0007 US dollars.

A higher currency makes a country's exports more expensive?

It has to do with exchange rates. Consider the US and Canada. If one US dollar is worth $1.50 Canadian, then US dollars buy 50% more Canadian products than an equal number of Canadian dollars would. But if the value of the Canadian dollar rises, so that it is worth the same as an American dollar, then American dollars buy only the same amount of Canadian products as an equal number of Canadian dollars.

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How much is a 1979 20 Canadian bill worth?

20 dollars, technically its still legal currency, though id still keep it