As of July 27th, 2014, the exchange rate between Euros and Indian Rupees is 80.67 Indian Rupees for 1 Euro. The Indian Rupee has shown small but steady gains in economic strength over the week beginning July 21st.
60.8 rupees is one euro
60.8 rupees is one euro
One euro is equal to 79.02 rupees in 2014 september
At the time of writing (11:15 BST - 02 Sep 2010) - One euro is equivalent to 60.0132 Rupee
As of 12th June 2009, 1 Euro = 66.65 Rupees
one euro varies around 62-63 rupees
1,000,000 (1 million EURO) = 69746385.92 INR
One full euro is worth approximately 73 rupees, so one euro cent is worth 0.73 rupees.
45.2 rupees = one US dolar
Currently, one euro is the equivalent of 81.83 Indian rupees. Based on that conversion rate, 49.95 euros would be equal to 4087.18 Indian rupees.