As of today (01APR2011), 1 Canadian Dollar is worth about 86.35 Kenyan Shillings.
If the cent was found in circulation, it is only worth face value. If it is a "proof" that was purchased from the Canadian Mint, it is worth about 1.50 retail.
what ia a Elizabeth II 2 Canadian coin worth
A US or Canadian nickel is worth 5 cents. A five dollar bill is worth 500 cents. Thus a five dollar bill is equivalent to 100 nickels.
You need to say which type of dollar you want to convert from or into. There are many different currencies in the world called "dollar". For example, Singapore dollar, Canadian dollar, Australian dollar.
You need to say which type of dollar you want to convert from or into. There are many different currencies in the world called "dollar". For example, Singapore dollar, Canadian dollar, Australian dollar.
You need to say which type of dollar you want to convert into. There are many different currencies in the world called "dollar". For example, Singapore dollar, Canadian dollar, Australian dollar.
You need to say which type of dollar you want to convert from or into. There are many different currencies in the world called "dollar". For example, Singapore dollar, Canadian dollar, Australian dollar.
1 canadian dollar = 11,387.29
Actually, as of today (October 8, 2012) the Canadian dollar is worth more! The Canadian dollar is worth about $1.02 U.S. 1 U.S. dollar is only worth 98 Canadian cents. There are many reasons why the relative values of currencies change. - One reason is speculation by currency market traders. - Another is interest rates (Although they haven't changed much recently, I find this fairly easy to understand). If interest rates are higher in Canada, then people in the U.S. will want to invest their money in Canada. To do this, they will need Canadian dollars, and since more people will be wanting to buy Canadian dollars, they will become more expensive. - A similar argument can apply to real estate. If people in the U.S. feel that Canadian real estate is more likely to increase in value than U.S. American real estate, they would want to invest in Canada ... resulting in 'upward pressure' on the Canadian dollar.
The 1966 dollar comes in many varieties with one being quite valuable ( I think is the 'small bead' variety.) But the regular ones are generally very common and are based on the current price of the silver market.