Exchange rates fluctuate on a daily, even hourly basis.
Please use the link(s) below to see an up-to-date date for the Euro to the US Dollar.
The currency codes are EUR and USD.
As of August in 2014, one Euro is equal to one and thirty-three hundredths US Dollars. The Euro is the official currency of 18 independent states in Europe.
(Canadian)$1.37 = 1 Euro
1 Euro is 1.57 US Dollars in June 2008.
2.30 NZD to 1 Euro
Today, a euro is worth about $1.55.
1.00 EUR=1.29140 USD Euro=United States Dollars
The currency used in the country of Spain is the Euro. One Euro is equivalent to around 1.3 American dollars.
1 euro= 1.25 dollars so 1000000 dollars= 800000 euro
Currancy values change daily if not by the hour but 1 Euro is worth approx. $1.35 US
There is only one euro € in Europe, not only in France. August 2008: For 50 euro € you have to pay 79 US dollars.
$1.32 dollars :)
One euro is one euro, even in the USA, but it's harder to spend because we use the US Dollar. (1 euro = 1.23 dollars, if you want to exchange it, but the rate changes daily). The Euro is $1.337US as of 2:27PM CT Jan 3, 2011.