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Well,If your talking about Gymnastic Splits then You better Listen Because im Very flexible and i can do almost everything-

It depends which way you hold the position..

It its The Leg Out Leg in front position Then Hold it for about 2 minutes or less if you can-

If its the Normal way of spilts then You should hold it for about 7-16 seconds-Or longer until you feel your mussles working around your body I Have a Certain Way of doing my splits i even made up my own its called the weeve If you want tips here they are-

1: Strech Your legs until they feel Heavy-Or Relaxed.

2:Strech your Back and Calfs

3:Put your Right leg in a sort of Crossed leg position-

4:use your Left leg to Bend over your Right leg And Bend until you feel your foot or knee reaching your chest.

5:By Now you should of felt your calf mussels working so-

lean over slightly to the right-

Straighten your leg and Rest your Chin on the floor-

6:Relax and Do this for about 4 Minutes then - Strech your back mussles just in case.

It may not sound like Some splits Gymnasts do But im only 11 and most people are amazed by it,Its Like the splits but one legged- with your other leg resting on your chest-

Thanks 4 asking i hope this helped.

And if your thinking what would a 11 year old know i know a lot of things I Can do a Front flip on concreate a Hand stand on the wall A Hand stand into a bridge A Cart wheel on the wall and a back wards and forwards roll landing on my feet.

So thanks x

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How do you increase your flexibility so you can do the splits?

i s-disagree !! you should just stretch your legs for a long time and try to do the splits. Continue this for 3-4 weeks then you will probily be able to do them :)

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