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Smoking is a leading cause of preventable death worldwide, contributing to a wide range of serious health conditions that can ultimately lead to premature death. Here's how smoking can increase the risk of death:

Increased Risk of Chronic Diseases: Smoking is a major risk factor for several chronic diseases, including Heart disease, stroke, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and various cancers (such as lung, throat, and mouth cancers). These conditions can significantly reduce life expectancy and increase the likelihood of premature death.

Cardiovascular Complications: Smoking damages blood vessels and increases the buildup of fatty deposits in the arteries, leading to atherosclerosis (hardening and narrowing of the arteries). This can restrict blood flow to vital organs, including the heart and brain, increasing the risk of heart attacks, strokes, and peripheral artery disease.

Respiratory Problems: Smoking damages the lungs and airways, leading to conditions such as chronic bronchitis and emphysema (both types of COPD). These diseases cause progressive lung damage, leading to difficulty breathing, reduced lung function, and an increased risk of respiratory failure.

Weakened Immune System: Smoking weakens the immune system, making smokers more susceptible to infections such as pneumonia, influenza, and tuberculosis. These infections can be more severe in smokers and may increase the risk of complications and death.

Cancer: Smoking is the leading cause of preventable cancer deaths worldwide. It can cause cancer in multiple organs, including the lungs, throat, mouth, esophagus, bladder, pancreas, liver, kidneys, and cervix. Cancer is a serious and often fatal disease that can significantly shorten life expectancy.

Secondhand Smoke Exposure: Exposure to secondhand smoke (the smoke exhaled by smokers and the smoke emitted from burning tobacco products) can also increase the risk of death from cardiovascular disease, respiratory infections, and lung cancer in nonsmokers.

Complications During Pregnancy: Smoking during pregnancy increases the risk of complications such as miscarriage, preterm birth, low birth weight, and sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). These complications can have long-lasting effects on the health and well-being of both the mother and the baby.

Reduced Quality of Life: Smoking can significantly impair quality of life due to its impact on physical health, mental health, and social well-being. Chronic diseases, disability, and decreased mobility associated with smoking-related conditions can diminish overall quality of life and contribute to premature death.

In summary, smoking increases the risk of death through its association with a wide range of serious health conditions, including cardiovascular disease, respiratory diseases, cancer, and complications during pregnancy. Quitting smoking and avoiding exposure to secondhand smoke are crucial steps in reducing the risk of premature death and improving overall health and longevity.

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Ramya Yerramothu

Lvl 9
1y ago
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13y ago

Smoking gives you lung cancer. If not, it still does severe damage to your lungs.

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well i'm not saying you cant smoke but 66% of people of the world die of smoking so if you smoke do it once in a while like once and week or stop smoking it would make a difference

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no, pablo Picasso did not die of smoking

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biology solved our problem such as smoking problem: first you have to ask your self what does smoking mean, does smoking have any advantage in my life you have to make assumption, you have to test or experiment on your lab the cigarette and at last you have to conclude your answer. you will discover the disadvantages of the smoking and you will know that smoking lets you to die

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I would say around 7 people die of smoking a day, so that is 1,176 people die of smoking a week!!

Is smoking good for you?

Smoking is not good for you. it has lots of bad chemicals that can harm you, and even make you die. Smoking is really bad, so don't start! Also don't second hand smoke, that can cause you to die as well.

When did the first person die from smoking?

Probably when he quit smoking.

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In rare cases, yes. The risk increases with overdose.

Why smoking is not good for people?

Because it can make your lungs rotten and you can die if you smoke and eyes turn into liquid

How many people die from smoking each year?

About 5.4 million