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The names of the CA's should be listed with each trade line on your credit report along with their contact info

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Q: How do you find out the names of debit collectors on my credit report I am trying clean up my credit but I have a lot of old debt that and I need to get the names of the companies I owe money to?
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You must pay all of your legitimate debts. A creditor is not required to report a debt to a credit bureau in order to collect the debt you owe.

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Yes, its 100% worth it if you are trying to find either your credit report or score. They offer very in-depth reports into your credit and credit score.

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Is this for yourself, such as, to evaluate the tenant? Or is it for the tenant himself? If you're trying to do this as part of your tenant selection process, there are entities that are available for background checking, which may include criminal background checks and credit report checks. If the latter is true then it's up to the tenant to obtain his own credit report.

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Trying to make it as UNcompetitive as they possibly can.

How can a person check their credit report?

It has become very simple for anyone to check their credit report from home. The fastest and simplest way is to go to free credit report. They will need personal information such as a social security number. From there they will do the work and allow you to view your credit score for free once a year. If anyone is trying to fix their credit they can pay a monthly fee and have access to it as many times as they wish.

Can you schedule your payments to credit card companies just slightly ahead of the date each month that they report to credit reporting agencies?

If you mean... Your payments are due May 5th and you pay May 5th payment on June 3rd... Then yes, they cannot report Mays payment as being 30 days late. I have been doing it every month for over a year trying to get caught up

How do you find out about your credit rating? By law you can obtain a copy of your credit report from all 3 major credit reporting companies every 12 months; the credit scores unfortunately will cost you, that was not part of the law. I "HIGHLY" recomend that you do not pull all 3 reports at the same time. You should spread them in 4 months each. By doing so you can work on inacuracies on one reporting agency at a time and, since you will obtain a report every 4 months you ensure there is no "Identity Theft". Additionally if you have disputes you want to work on 2 at a time. The credit agencies may not be too cooperative when they see someone trying to do a quick fix on their report.