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Well, if you want to collect it like you might want to collect rocks or dolls, that won't work very well. If you want to catch it when it falls, then take a container (however big depending on how much you want to catch), put it out in the rain. the... have rain water!

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Q: How do you collect rain water?
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How do you collect water from rain?

with glass

How much water drain collect from rain?

It depends how much it has rained

Why is collection important in the water cycle?

It is essential to collect the rain water. This collected water could be used later.

What are leaves jobs on a flower?

To collect and funnel rain water and provide a surface for photosynthesis.

Why are sometimes clouds in the sky that don't rain or snow?

Clouds just collect water, they precipitate (rain) when there is a large amount of water in the clouds, so the clouds that you don't see rain are clouds that have collected water but not enough to precipitate.

Where is rain water collected in United Arab Emirates?

Rain water is collected in dams, some people have concrete pools for their farms and also collect the rain water in this to go through traditional irrigation systems throughout their plantations.

Ways to use water wisely at home?

Collect rain water and use it to water plants ( if u have them). Use rice water to water plants ( ^^)

If you collect rain water in a bucket is it safe to drink or should it be boiled?

It depends on how clean the bucket is :)

Why would a home be equipped with a rainwater tank?

A rain water tank is water tank used to collect and store rain water run off, typically from rooftops via rain gutters. These water tanks are typically used to make use of rain water for later use, reduce mains water usage for economic and environmental reasons.

Where does the liquid that makes precipitation come from?

at fist idk i think that the clouds collect water vapor from lakes and other bodies of water and form clouds and i think that they collect and collect and when it becomes heavy the clouds let it down at that is rain (i am not 100% sure if this answer is correct or not)

What is rainwater barrel?

Many rural folks put a rain barrel at the bottom of the roof downspouts to collect rain for softwater purposes. My grandmother always did this and used the water to wash her hair and water her plants.

What causes rain or hail to begin to fall?

rain: the clouds collect eough water from the ocean to the clouds and the clouds get too heavy and have to fall down. hail: the water from the clouds get frozen and turn into snow