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You will need the help of a competent beekeeper as this isn't something you will be able to do on your own. Firstly, they may not be honey bees, Secondly, bees are notoriously difficult to get out of a compost heap and usually don't survive the ordeal.

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Q: How do I move honey bees that are building a hive in my compost barrel And can I purchase a hive to move them into?
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Can you compost honey?

It is not recommended to compost honey because it can attract pests and animals to your compost pile. Additionally, honey is biodegradable and will break down in a landfill over time without the need for composting.

How many gallons of honey are in a barrel?

55 gallons and the weight will vary from 660 lbs to just under 700 lbs not including the weight of the barrel. Honey is sold by weight. One gallon will weigh a little over 12 lbs. The barrels are steel with a weight of 40 lbs. When you purchase a barrel, you will have the weight of the honey then a tare weight of 40 lbs. The total weight of the barrel will be over 700 lbs.

How much does a barrel of honey weigh?

A barrel of honey typically weighs around 600-650 pounds.

How do you make honey on viva pinata?

To make honey, you need a Buzzlegum and the honey hive building from Bill. When you get the building, have the Buzzlegum eat a buttercup flower. After it is eaten, lead the pinata to the building and it will produce sweet honey!

Where online can I go to Purchase a set of honey jars?

A great place to purchase honey jars online is They offer wholesale prices on a wide variety of honey jars.

Can you put Vegemite in the compost pile?

Yes I wouldn't through a whole jar in but a Vegemite sandwich no worries. It's a yeast product I have seen some permaculture discussions where they water it down with Manuka honey and use the liquid as a compost

Where do you get the Honey Bee on Zoo World?

To get Honey Bees in Zoo World, you would have had to purchase the Sunny Hills Map that came out to celebrate spring. The map allows you too collect the Honey Bees. If you were not able to purchase the map, you could ask one of your Zoo Mates to send you Honey Bees.

Where can you purchase a can ham?

Honey ham can be purchased in several areas. One can go to their local butcher shop, deli, or grocery store to get honey ham. One can also purchase it online.

Where can you purchase Manuka Honey in Chennai India?

Big bazzar

Where can one purchase honey baked cashews in England?

Residents and visitors in the country of England have a few options when seeking to purchase honey baked cashews. These include markets like Sainsbury's and Tesco.

How you get honey from bees?

This is a web site about bee keeping...Once you have a swarm of bees working to make honey you just have to let the honey drain, or you could purchase a draner that will take the honey out of the hive for you.

Do you get edible wax?

Yes you can you can purchase jars of honey that has parts of the honeycomb placed in the jar along with the honey and of course the honeycomb is made from bees wax