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In no significant way at all except as Propaganda. It did not free any slaves in the Union (north), only the slaves in the rebelling states (Confederacy/south), where the Union had no control at the time and therefore could not enforce it. So it freed no slaves at all!

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Q: How did the emancipation proclamation affect the character and conduct of the war?
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How did the Emancipation Proclamation affect southerners?

a beevcoon

What did the northers do in the emancipation proclamation?

Nothing. It didn't affect them. Only affected the Confederate states.

How did the emancipation proclamation affect Georgia?

It was when the prisoners began I make a group and fight people and got out of jail...

How are the Battle of Antietam an the Emancipation Proclamation related?

The Union's victory at Antietam, was an important defeat, which President Lincoln needed, in order to issue the first portion of the Emancipation Proclamation, so that it would have an affect, and impact on the south. The battle of Antietam ended in the Union's victory on September 18, 1862, and the draft issue of the Emancipation Proclamation was issued on September 22, 1862.

How did the emancipation proclamation affect the slaves living in the south?

It licensed the Union troops to liberate any slaves they came across.

How did the emancipation proclamation affect the union and the confederacy?

it helped by freeing all the states that were fighting in the civil war and all the union states that had slaves

Did the Lincoln Emancipation Proclamation affect women during the US Civil War?

Yes because the more that Blacks tried for their freedom the more that the Black women realized that they had hope to get rights to. But the proclamation alone did not affect women unless they were Black

What is important about 1863?

1863 = 3 * 23 * 27 In 1863, the final order of the Emancipation Proclamation signed by President Lincoln, took affect on January 1.

How did the emancipation proclamation affect the slave owners?

The slave owners had to do all of the work themselves instead of having slaves do it for them.

How did the 54th Massachusetts regiments attack on the fort Wagner affect public opinion about enslaved African American soldiers?

because emancipation proclamation granted them thoses rights

What condition did Abraham Lincoln abolish?

Slavery, but only within the Confederacy. The Emancipation Proclamation didn't affect slaves in Union states. (But there weren't many slaves in Union states.)

Were there slaves or servants in Maryland?

The laws of Maryland did not prohibit slavery until November 1, 1864. The Emancipation Proclamation by Lincoln did not affect Maryland, since Maryland was part of the Union, and Lincoln's proclamation affected only those places in rebellion against the Union.