

How can you tell silver from pewter?

Updated: 9/11/2023
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Lvl 1
12y ago

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silver will most likely have the symbol 925 imprinted on it somewhere. as for telling if something is pewter or not, I'm still trying to work that out.

"Pewter contains lead and will leave a pencil-like mark when drawn across a piece of paper."

Actually, pewter can (and used to, exclusively) contain lead along with other metals but modern alloys contain tin (92%-95%), copper(up to 2.5%) and subtitute ANTIMONY (less than 2%) for LEAD. There are standards about the amount of antimony added to the alloy in order that the finished pewter product is food-safe. Try this link for further information:

The difference between SILVER and PEWTER should be readily apparent as pewter is so much softer than silver. Pewter can be carved with a sharp tool with relative ease: silver can not. Even if it doesn't contain lead pewter will still leave a mark when scratched on a hard surface (but so will silver...just a mark of a different gray).

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Can pewter be silver plated?

Yes, pewter can be silver plated. This process involves applying a thin layer of silver onto the surface of the pewter through a method called electroplating or through a physical deposition process. This gives the pewter an appearance similar to silver while still retaining its original characteristics.

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Silver has more value than pewter. Silver is an element that is mined and is considered a precious metal. Pewter is an alloy or blend of tin and other metals, sometimes including lead.

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Sterling Pewter is a poorman's silver. Circa Revolutionary War.

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Yo have to get a fossil then you take it to the museum in Pewter City and there should be a scientist on the right who will tell you if you have any fossils.

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When silver and bronze are mixed together, they create a type of alloy known as pewter. Pewter has a warm, muted color that falls between silver and bronze. It is commonly used in decorative items and tableware.

Can you get the rainbow wing in silver?

yes. after you get to pewter city there is an old man on a hill at the far right corner of pewter city. talk to him then you got the silver wing.

Does pewter tableware increase in value better than sterling silver tableware?

Pewter may not increase in value any more thatn sterling silver tableware, however, pewter is relatively more easy to maintain and clean.

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