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Quite simply, you can't.

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Q: How can you become a fairy with powers and wings?
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How do you become a fairy with wings and powers but without getting any smaller?

No one can become a fairy. Fairies are fantasy creatures.

Ho do you become a fairy?

Buy wings and a costume.

How can you get your fairy wings i cannot change into my wings i did once my name is Diana i am the fairy of honesty and loyalty i can use my power which is all powers including the dragon fire?

You are not a fairy and you cannot get your wings. What you describe here sounds like a dream. It isn't real.

If a half vampire-half fairy bites you do you turn into a half vampire-half fairy or just a vampire?

a vampire but you will have fairy wings and some of the fairy powers but only some. Sorry, fairy traits are not transmitted only vampire ones. You just become a vampire provided you die in exactly the right way.

How do you become a real fairy with wings and powers?

A fairy is not real and you can not become one. They come from Celtic legends where they were mean ugly little creatures that took people's souls. There is nothing in this world that can make a human into a fairy.

What is the potion to become a fairy with wings?

There is no potion but go on ehow and type it in and it will tell you

How do you say 'fairy wings' in German?

fairy wings = Feenflügel

On Virtual Family Kingdom how do you buy the fairy wings?

Sorry, but you can not buy fairy wings, they are an epic quest prize. Also, there is also magic to become small, sit, and other actions.

What spell is there to become a real fairy with wings?

No such spell exists. There are no such things as spells or fairies.

How do you be a real honest fairy with powers?

There is no evidence for fairies and even if they did exist, humans couldn't become fairies or have "powers."

How do you become a fairy with magical powers and then back to a human again?

Smoke pot.

Which is the most common wings a fairy would have a real fairy wings for a real fairy?

Ok, well I have seen a fairy. A Never Fairy. They have clear wings oval shaped, one point on their back, and with the bottom wings the same exept smaller. They are clearish white. They wear clothes made out of leaves and flomers. They also have powers. Either, wind, light, plants, animal, or water. If you want to learn more watch Tinkerbell or read the books or e-mail