ALL coins from the British Commonwealth have the queen's picture and that motto. Please post a new question with its denomination, date, and the country that issued it. If there's no country name shown, it's from Britain.
A 1962 Canadian silver dollar with the image of Elizabeth and text of ELIZABETH II DEI GRATIA REGINA is worth $11.42 today. This is because of the value of the metals used to make the silver dollar.
Check your coin.There were no Two Pound coins issued in 1945 and, Queen Elizabeth II was not crowned until 1953.
how much is a 1956 elizabeth ii dei gratia Regina Canadian 1 cent piece worth with the letters k6 on the back
only 1 usd
DEI is Latin for God. It will appear on many British coins and coins of many of the British Empire/Commonwealth countries. The full, unabbreviated legend for a 1958 (Elizabeth II) coin would read "ELIZABETH II DEI GRATIA BRITANNIA OMN REGINA FIDEI DEFENSOR" meaning - "Elizabeth II by the Grace of God, Queen of all the Britains, Defender of the Faith". Depending on the coin and country, it would often be shown very heavily abbreviated as "ELIZABETH II DEI GRA BRITT OMN REGINA F D", or even "ELIZABETH II DEI GRATIA REGINA" with "FID DEF" on the reverse.
wht the value
The Latin phrase "Dei Gratia Regina Elizabeth" translates as Elizabeth, queen by the grace of God. This phrase (or an abbreviated version, D. G. Regina) appears on all the coinage of the British Commonwealth, therefore it does not identify a specific coin. I don't even know what country it is from, let alone what its denomination is. Furthermore, even if I knew exactly what coin you were talking about, the value varies tremendously depending upon the condition of the coin. Most coins from 1958 would have no value to a collector unless they were in extremely good condition.
"Elizabeth II, By the Grace of God Queen (and) Defender of the Faith" is anEnglish equivalent of "Regina II Dei Gratia Regina Fidei Difensor."Specifically, the masculine noun "dei" means "of God." The feminine noun "gratia" means "(by the) grace." The feminine noun "regina" means "queen." The feminine noun "fidei" means "of the faith." The masculine noun "difensor" means "defender."On coins, the last two words may appear as "f.d."
Canada issued 6 different circulating coins in 1960. Please post a new, separate question with the coin's denomination.
According to e-bay, it's worth about 3 dollars.
Regina is Latin for Queen. Depending on the year of your coin, it could be either Queen Victoria (1837 to 1901) or Queen Elizabeth II (1953 to present). DG or DEI GRA is abbreviated Latin for Dei Gratia - meaning, by the Grace of God.
The question does not say which country. The U.K. uses the penny, with lettering ... ELIZABETH II · DEI · GRA · REG · FID · DEF · 2015 · J.C ELIZABETH II DEI GRATIA REGINA FIDEI DEFENSOR Elizabeth 2nd, by the Grace of God, Queen and Defender of the Faith Engraver: Jody Clark