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No, the statute of limitations won't start over again unless you make a payment.

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Q: Does the statute of limitations on credit card debt start over when sent to collections?
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When a collection agency buys a debt from a credit card company does a new statute of limitations start from the day it was purchased or does the collection agency's statute remain the same?

The statute of limitations starts counting immediately when you made the last payment to either the credit card company or the collection agency. If you ever make a payment to either of them the statute of limitations will start over. If you have not made any payments to the credit card company recently and the credit card company sells the debt to the collection agency, the collection agency's statute of limitations will be from the date that you last paid the credit card company. Furthermore, if the statute of limitations is over and the collection agency continues to keep collecting the debt, you can send them a letter (certified is the preferred method) to stop all contact with you. Under the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), they would be required to stop immediately upon receipt of the letter (unless they are taking legal action in a court then they can send you legal notices only). If they do not stop, you are entitled to collect monetary damages as outlined in the FRCA. This does not stop the collection agency from reporting to your credit report. Your credit reporting falls under a different set of rules which basically removes most collections debts (except for court judgements) after 7-10 years.

Do the statute of limitations start over if a case is reopened?

It can cause the statute of limitations to start over, or at least toll. It will depend on the law in the jurisdiction and how it is written.

Statute of limitations concealed crime embezzlement?

That will depend on the specific jurisdiction. Often the statute does not start until the crime is discovered.

What if unsecured credit cards were made in one state and you moved to another state will the statute of limitations start at last payment you made on your cards no matter what state you started?

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Is there a statute of limitations on child support arrearage in Florida?

There is, but it varies depending on your arrearage. Failure to support is what is called a continuing condition. In other words, every month you fail to pay, the charge remains. Therefore, the statute of limitations does not even START until your youngest child is 18. Then, the clock starts ticking on the statute of limitations. If, at that time, you owe less than $25,000, the statute of limitations is three years. If you owe more than $25,000, the SoL is five years.Failure to support is a Class B felony and can rack up some serious jail time and hefty fine on top of child support payments. Arkansas is one of the states known to seriously go after "deadbeat" parents, both moms and dads.

What is the statute of limitations for credit cards in Pennsylvania?

Pennsylvania has set the statute of limitations for an open ended account at 4 years. A credit card is an open ended account. That will be measured from the last communications from the debtor. The credit card may be based on a different jurisdiction which could be longer! You need to check your agreement for the applicable jurisdiction.

What happens after Georgia's 4 year statute of limitations expires for felony domestic violence?

Charges cannot be filed once the statute of limitations has passed. There may be ways of tolling the start of the time.

Can you sue for debt after the statute of limitations?

It is unlikely that they can sue after the statute of limitations has expired. However, when the time starts is going to be in contention.

In Missouri is there a statute of limitations on bigamy is it from when it happened or when you found out it happened?

It is a criminal law. I believe that the court would hold that as long as the individual was married to more than one individual, the statute of limitations would not start to run.

Are ongoing torts in California subject to the statute of limitations in the case of related acts of intentional infliction of personal and economic harm?

Not if they are still ongoing. The statute of limitations would not start to run until the last event in question.

What are the statute of limitations for assault rifle posession in California?

Yes there would be a statute of limitations, probably 3 years depending on the seriousness, it could be 6 years. It would start to run from the point the rifle was last in their possession.

Does Illinois statute of limitations keep running if partial performance continues on oral contract?

Yes, partial performance is indication that the debt or contract is valid. The statute of limitations does not start to run until the last contact or admission.