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However, the surface oxide layer is not very thick, so in practical terms the difference is going to be small (and since the total mass of a current US penny is 2.5 grams and only 2.5% of that is copper, even if every bit of copper were totally oxidized we're talking about a mass difference of well under 1%).

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12y ago

Yes, since oxygen from the air combines with the copper on the penny's surface, the mass of the oxygen is added to the mass of the original penny.

2 Cu + O2 → 2 CuO

According to the equation above, 1 mole of copper reacts with 1 mole of oxygen to produce 2 moles of copper II oxide.

Mass of 2 moles of Cu = 2 * 63.5 = 127 grams

Mass of 1 mole of O2 = 32 grams

Mass of 2 moles of CuO = 2 * (63.5 + 16) = 159 grams

This means 127 grams of copper reacts with 32 grams of oxygen to produce 159 grams of copper II oxide.

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15y ago

Convert copper molecules into copper oxide molecules (copper and oxygen).

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Q: Does oxidation affect the mass of a penny?
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