a metal scrap yard will probably take it
Google for scrap metal dealers or google "we buy Pewter" Also try selling it on Ebay; they always get a better price via bidding.
There's no such thing as a pewter penny. 1943 wartime cents were made out of scrap steel and coated with zinc. Please see the Related Question for more information.
Sure you can sell any metal as scrap. The more the better so throw it in with the rest unless you have lots then sell it apart
Since pewter is mostly tin / lead (newer pewter is lead free) it is not very valuable. Stupid answer above, seeing as how Tin is more than TWICE as valuable as copper!
yes cast iron can be sold for scrap. Check you local listing for a scrap yard in your area.
We want to sell scrap metal what is the cost for scrap metal per kg/
they sell scrap
One can sell scrap gold to a number of vendors. The easiest place would be to go to your local jewelry store. Another useful place can buys scrap gold is a pawnbroker.
you can sell int for scrap at a scrap yard.
Yes, you can.