

Best Answer

If you are talking about Orks off of Lord of the Rings, no they are not. They were created from dead remains of Elves and trained to kill and do evil.

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Q: Are orks good or not
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How old are the orks?

AnswerThey're just as old as the the Space Marines because 40k stated with Space Marines vs Orks.

Are warhammer orcs bigger than warhammer 40k orks?

No they are the same size unless you take into account the extra modifications the 40k Orks have.

Who will win eldar or orks?

Eldar would win if they were at range (execpt howling banchess) but if the orks got in at close range they would win

Where can one find more information about creatures named orks?

Orks, also called Greenskins are a race of humanoid green skinned savage creatures that can be found in the Warhammer 40k computer game. The Orks are made up of different types of races.

Who is better the orks or the imperial guard?

Well i play guard but ill try not be to one sided, Bassically guard are very shootie. They have lots of big guns to sit back and just kill stuff. and lots of weak troops to try and keep anything from killing those guns. Orks are much differect, though they do have guns they suck at using them and usually just load 20 or so boys into a truk and go kill stuff in cc. So really its how you play it, a good gamer can kill guard with orks and orks with guard.

Do Warhammer 40K Orks have magic?

Yes they have Weirdboyz.

Are tau better than orks?

Your answer is going to be different from person to person..... Orks are better at combat, Tau are better at shooting. Depending on what you are looking for, both armies are amazing.

What are some opinions about Orks?

No, but for them to be good you need to remember a few things; First off all you have to be prepared to lose some troops. The best thing about Orks is that they have really low points so you can have 3 or more to 1. Secondly, the Orks strength really does lie in their Close Combat Ability (and that's where a Power Klaw is really useful) so get stuck in! Thirdly, it really does help to have a Warboss/WarLord as they can lead your Orks straight into the Close Combat. Fourth try to get a Trukk or two because they will carry your Boyz into the battle fast! Fifth thing is to remember that it's about having fun.

Can orks team up with space marines?

Technically you can play any army against any army, and any army with any army, except where rules specifically state that you may not (E.g. Black Templars may never ally with an army containing pyschers) It would however be extremely unusual, but so long as you have a good background story, it should be fine.

Are Tyranids the best?

There is no best and/or worst army in Warhammer 40k. The points system is mostly fair and reflects how these armies should be played. Tau are good at shooting but not so much at close combat, same with Orks and Tyranids, they're not the best at shooting but can eat you up at close combat (most Orks have a BS of 2 I think)

Will fish bones hurt your dog?

No not at all! Unless they choke... Orks

Who is Josie Orks?

She is an author and a poet.You can find more information on:Amazon