Because people are bored and have nothing to do)) BECUASE ITS FUN!
U people who don't know the answers and put random stuff here
Hi. I am here to troll you by giving some random stuff to set down your happiness to 0.
random stuff
do this: adfssdafgraevteuiqwhrhwec
Heck yeah, who do you think you are look up random stuff i love random stuff cream cheese
Because the creator of wakajeka both like stuff pie random . wakajeka-(wackajeka)
Just do stuff that is completely random, but not stupid waste of time random. Who knows, you could end up like Fred with some funny random stuff.
Well first of all ramndon should be random. And the answer is yes. because random is multiple of stuff and stuff is multiple of pie so if u do the math of PMS u will see that pie is multiple of random.
random stuff
The cast of Random and Funny Stuff - 2009 includes: Gage Merollo as Pearl,Himself