Why did Albert Einstein play the violin?
Sir Albert Einstein's mother was the one who tried to get him to
play the violin. I play the violin and I am very good at Science,
the two go together in intelligence and consentration and theory.
His mother thought he was mentally retarded so she tried to get him
to play the violin to share a normal hobby as alot of children
played the violin in the 19th century in Germany. Albert enjoyed
playing Bach and Mozart as a child, I am not sure he went far in it
as an adult, but he did have a club as an adolesence in which he
would play violin to his friends. So this is why Albert Enstein
played the violin.
***I would like to correct some information that was listed
here. Albert Einstein did indeed play the violin. However, it was
the school teachers who told Einstein's parents that he was "too
stupid to learn". Albert's mother then had him begin violin
lessons. He did continue to play up to and throughout his adult
years. Below is an excellent link about not only Einstein but also
the affects of music and the brain.