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Because in summers the cement blocks stsrt expanding due t o excessive heat,

So to stop it we fill pitch betwwen them which hold the blocks tightly and stop them to contract in winters.if there would be continuous expansion and contraction the cemen blocks would have cracks and they would break down.

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Q: Why is pitch filled in between the cement blocks of the pavement?
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The Radleys' tree getting filled with cement is described in Chapter 8 of "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee. In this chapter, a mysterious figure fills the hole of the tree with cement, which upsets Jem and Scout.

What happened to the knot in the tree by the radleys place?

Nathan Radley filled it with cement

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I have 2 gorham sterling candlesticks cement filled reinforced with rod there any value.9 inches tall?

I do not have an answer, but I am taking my two Gorham sterling candelabra that have been cement filled and reinforced with rod to New York City Wednesday to a dealer that purchases gold and silver. If the dealer purchases my candlelabra, I can let you know how much I receive or if I receive anything. Also, you can get your sterling candlesticks (cement filled) appraised by a specialist. Some people sell their sterling candlesticks that have been cement filled on ebay. I am not sure when you posted this question. 11/01/2010 VaneBrn 11/07/2010 I sold my cement filled candelabra (or cedelabrum) and candle holders that are sterling and cement filled on Wednesday, November 3, 2010. Unfortunately, my candelabra and candle holders were not in the best condition. I received only $125. However, if your gorham sterling candlesticks that are cement filled are in good condition, you should receive at least $250 and some would probably buy them for over $300 or $350. VaneBrn

How does jem respond to the tree being plugged with cement?

Jem is crestfallen when he discovers that the knothole in the tree has been filled with cement. He is disappointed and saddened by the destruction of their secret communication spot.

What did Jem and Scout see the day after they left the letter in the knothole?

Jem and Scout saw that someone had filled the knothole with cement, sealing off their secret gifts from Boo Radley.

What is a sentence for the word rasping?

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