

Best Answer
  • The cement is grey due to the presence of iron oxide.
  • The cement is white due to the absence of iron oxide.
  • Generally white cement has more strength than grey cement and it is more expensive.
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Q: Why is foundation cement gray and sidewalk cement white?
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What are the different types of cement?

Type-I - Ordinary portland cement used in general constructionType-II - Portland pozzolana cement , moderate heat of hydrationType- III - Rapid hardening cement used for quick setting worksType-IV - low heat cement, low heat of hydrationType-V - Sulphate resisting cement used in sewage linings,marine construction.

What is green cement?

Cement is called green when it is just poured. It is "green" until it sets up and cures or dries. This will vary depending on conditions. Wet cement has a slight green cast to it that changes to gray when it dries.In addition to consuming considerable amounts of limestone, sand and energy, producing each ton of Portland cement releases one ton of carbon dioxide into the environment. One of the emerging concrete technologies for sustainable development is to use "green" materials for construction. The "green" materials are considered as materials that use less natural resource and energy and generate less CO2. They are durable and recyclable and require less maintenance.

How do you repair concrete cracks in patio and sidewalk?

Once concrete is cracked, there is no way to effect a real repair. You can use sealant to fill the cracks in, however. To do this, remove every speck of dust and debris from all the cracks, finishing with a hard blast of water. Let dry thoroughly, then fill in the cracks with Sonolastic NP-1 in silver-gray or limestone color, strictly following manufacturer's instructions. Pick the color that best matches your concrete. Do not substitute for the Sonolastic NP-1 . . . it is a proven, industrial strength product. If the cracks are deeper than 1 inch, tamp in some backer rod so that you have about a 3/4 inch crack depth to caulk. Backer rod is a round hard foam that comes in various diameters and lengths. The backer rod should be a little larger than the cracks are wide. You will probably have to buy several sizes to fit all your cracks. Do not caulk over the top of your concrete, just fill the cracks to the top.

Related questions

Why does white mortar joints in glass block look gray not white?

It depends on the ratio of cement in the mix. If it is white then there is no cement in it and it will not bond the blocks together

What color is the Oak Island lighthouse?

The Oak Island lighthouse has three distinct, wide stripes, white, black and grey. The lower third is the natural gray of Portland cement. The next section is white Portland cement and white quartz aggregate to enhance the white color. The top third or so is gray Portland cement with black coloring.

What is the location of Oak Island lighthouse?

The Oak Island lighthouse has three distinct, wide stripes, white, black and grey. The lower third is the natural gray of Portland cement. The next section is white Portland cement and white quartz aggregate to enhance the white color. The top third or so is gray Portland cement with black coloring.

When was Dorsey-Gray Literacy Foundation created?

Dorsey-Gray Literacy Foundation was created in 2009.

What is the difference between white cement and plaster of Paris?

There are only slight chemical and physical differences between gray portland cement and white portland cement. These differences are due to raw material differences and sometimes, though not always, slight differences in manufacturing. The goal is to minimize the oxides (particularly iron and manganese) that impart the grayish color normally associated with portland cement. Souce:PCA (portland Cement Association)

What is released when cement is mixed with water?

It makes a wet-like gray liquid that is similar to cement but it's actually like a wet type of cement.

What colors are the twin towers?

The Twin Towers were made of steel and cement so they were rather black and gray. The windows looked black and the cement gray. From a distance it looked like a pattern of black and gray.

What color does white and gray create when mixed?

White and gray mixed together typically create a lighter shade of gray. The addition of white will lighten the gray, but the overall tone remains gray.

What colors do your mix to get gray?

To mix gray, you can combine black and white. The more black you add, the darker the gray will be; and the more white you add, the lighter the gray will be.

Is silver between gray and white?

Yes. Silver is between gray and white.

Is pumice white or is pumice gray?

Pumice can be white, gray, or even pink.

What is a mix of black and white?

When you mix black and white paint, you get gray.