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Centre line method:

This method is suitable for walls of similar cross sections. Here the total centre line length is multiplied by breadth and depth of respective item to get the total quantity at a time. When cross walls or partitions or verandah walls join with main wall, the centre line length gets reduced by half of breadth for each junction. Such junction or joints are studied carefully while calculating total centre line length. The estimates prepared by this method are most accurate and quick.

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Q: What is the center line method?
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What is mean by center line plan?

what is center line plan construction

In an architectural drawing where CL is center line what is PL line?

PL is Poly Line which is a continuous line that while drawing it with pressing right click of the mouse you can choose to draw arch or line or . . . CL is Centerline and used in Working Drawing which is the final stage of a Drawing and has to be accurate and without mistakes. CL is used to show the center of the mail walls of each floor and while measuring, you will use the the Center to Center (c/c) dimansions instead of outer or inner surfaceof the walls. I hope this can help you

What is setting out in building construction?

Setting out refers to examining the building plan. The outline of the excavation needs to be clearly understood, as does the center line of the walls.

Install ceramic tile?

The key to how to lay ceramic tile is preparation and having the right tools. 1. Measure opposite sides of the room and mark the centerof each side. Snap a chalk line between the marks. Measure and mark the center of the chalk line. From this point, use a framing square to establish a second line perpendicular to the first. Snap a second layout line across the room. 2. Check for square with a 3-4-5 triangle. Measure and mark one layout line 3 feet from the center point. Measure and mark the perpendicular layout line 4 feet from the center point. Measure the distance between the marks. If the layoutt lines are perpendicular the distance will be exactly 5 feet. 3- Lay tiles and spacer along one line from the center to the wall. 4- Divide the floor into manageable boxes, roughly 2-feet-by-3-feet for setting the tiles. Begin by laying out an L shape in the center of the room. Use the chalk lines as a guide, and separate the tiles with spacers. 5- Measure both branches of the L from the center to determine the size of the boxes you will lay out on the floor. Add the widthe of one spacer to each measurement. 6- Remove the tiles. Lay out a chalk-line grid, with each box the size of the sample you measured in Step 5. 7- Do a dry run to determine the placement and cuts. Place a row of tiles along each line using spacer. 8. To set tiles after proper preparation of the surface, begin at the center of the room and work out. Follow working lines and keep tiles aligned with plastic spacers.

What are the limitation of slope deflection method?

Moment distribution method and cannes method

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Center line method in estimate?

•Here the total center line length of walls in a building is multiplied to Breadth & Depth of the respective item to get the total quantity.

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The center of gravity using the plumb line method is determined by suspending an object from different points and allowing it to come to rest. The intersection of the lines traced by the plumb bob at each resting position indicates the center of gravity of the object. This method is commonly used to locate the center of gravity of irregularly shaped objects or structures.

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Finding the center of gravity of an irregularly shaped object can be done using the plumb line method.

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The center of gravity plumbline method involves suspending an object to find its center of gravity by allowing it to hang freely and marking the line of plumb underneath it. The intersection of the plumb lines from two or more positions will determine the center of gravity. This method is commonly used in physics and engineering to locate the balance point of irregularly shaped objects.

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The line in the center of a soccer field is the center line.

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The address of the Center Line Public Library is: 7345 Weingartz Street, Center Line, 48015 1462

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What is a center line for drafting?

what a center line is, is a line in the center used for drafting thanks for the question i really had a good time looking up for you.

What are the ways in locating the center of gravity of irregularly shaped objects?

You can locate the center of gravity of irregularly shaped objects by using the plumb line method, which involves suspending the object and letting it come to rest naturally. Another method is to use physical calculations based on the object's mass distribution to determine the center of gravity. Computer simulations can also be used to estimate the center of gravity for complex shapes.

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