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Testing the compressive strength of hollow blocks typically follows a standard procedure to ensure accurate and reliable results. Here's a general outline of the test procedure:

  1. **Sample Preparation:**

    • Select representative samples of hollow blocks from the production batch.

    • Ensure the samples are free from defects and have been cured appropriately.

  2. **Conditioning:**

    • If the blocks are not already at room temperature, allow them to acclimate to the testing environment.
  3. **Equipment Setup:**

    • Set up the compression testing machine according to standards or specifications.

    • Ensure the machine is calibrated and in good working condition.

  4. **Sample Identification:**

    • Mark each sample with a unique identifier for accurate tracking of results.
  5. **Moisture Content Check (if applicable):**

    • Determine and record the moisture content of the samples, especially if it can affect the compressive strength.
  6. **Testing Procedure:**

    • Place the hollow block specimen on the compression testing machine.

    • Align the specimen so that the load is applied evenly on the blocks.

    • Gradually apply a compressive load at a uniform rate until failure occurs.

    • Record the maximum load at failure and note any signs of distress in the specimen.

  7. **Calculation of Compressive Strength:**

    • Calculate the compressive strength using the formula: Compressive Strength = Maximum Load / Cross-sectional Area of the Block.
  8. **Reporting:**

    • Document all relevant information, including sample identification, moisture content, and compressive strength values.

    • Prepare a test report with details of the testing procedure, equipment used, and results obtained.

  9. **Quality Control:**

    • Compare the results with specified standards or requirements to ensure the hollow blocks meet the desired compressive strength.
  10. **Data Analysis:**

    • Analyze the data for any trends, variations, or anomalies that may indicate issues with the production process.
  11. **Documentation and Archiving:**

    • Keep a record of the test results and associated documentation for future reference or quality control purposes.

It's crucial to follow specific standards or guidelines relevant to the type of hollow blocks being tested, as procedures may vary based on factors such as block dimensions, material composition, and testing conditions. Always adhere to industry standards or applicable building codes for accurate and meaningful results.

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15y ago

The commpressive strength of hollow concrete blocks should be 5N/mm2. This strength is enough for the non-bearing walls.

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12y ago

Astm c-140

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Q: What is the Test Procedure to Determine Compressive strength of Hollow Blocks?
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