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The client brief and the design brief are not the same. The client brief states the client's issue and what the client expects. The design brief has to do with the design of the project.

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Q: What is a client brief in construction. Is a client brief the same as a design brief?
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Parallel construction means that you?

A. D. use the same grammatical construction in all similar headings throughout the headline.

What is the differences between the contractors and consultant-quantity- surveyor?

A contractor quantity surveyor is professional who practice quantity surveying profession for the safe guardness and the benefit of a contracting firm in which some of his responsibility will be to submit tender documents for the and also to supervise and take proper measurement of every job done by the company while a consultant quantity surveyor helps his client to get proper value for his money in executing and project, he gives cost advice to the client atv the prelimnary stage ogf construction and he still makes sure the standard of workmanship, plant and functionality is still maintained..... though both are only aiming toward same primary goal which is to provide value for the person they are representing and at the same time still optimize production and qualitative standard of job done.....

Is every construction project unique?

Yes and no (mostly yes). Every construction project is unique in that no two projects ever can be exactly alike. Even things like the weather can drastically change two identical projects. Many construction projects are alike in several areas. Frequently, the permit process is exactly the same for two different projects -- sometimes the only thing that changes is the location.

Can cement bricks and concrete bricks be used together in the same wall construction?

I think that they can, if they are both used correctly, the cement and concrete bricks can be put together in the same wall construction. :) <><><> I think you need to define some words. Concrete is made by mixing portland cement, water, and sand/crushed stone. There ARE no "cement bricks" Traditional bricks are made by mixing clay, shale, and water, and baking them in a kiln (oven) at high temperatures. And yes, regular clay brick and concrete brick/ block are frequently both used in a wall. Together.

What is the use of cantilevers in construction?

: I would consider the most common use for cantilever beams to be in building construction.....and probably the most obvious example is in mediaeval buildings with a framework of oak beams . Everyone must have seen these old buildings where the upper stories are wider than the ground floor , very common in Europe . The ceiling beams for the ground floor (also the floor beams for the upstairs rooms)are arranged to project out through the walls by 10-18 inches (30-45cm) , and the wall structure for the upper stories is built apon the projecting ends . This allows a larger open space to be achieved in the ground floor rooms without annoying support pillars because the weight is partly offset by the weight of the upper stories acting as a counter balance . This technique has been described as a way to avoid the tax on the building 'footprint', but this is not true in all countries where it was adopted , the tax merely prompted a wider acceptance of the technique . The same building tricks are used on modern buildings and bridges , but are not always obvious or visible when the structure is completed .

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What is a design brief analysis?

A design brief analysis is a process of reviewing and analyzing a design brief to gain a deeper understanding of the project requirements and goals. It involves carefully reading and interpreting the brief to ensure that all stakeholders are on the same page regarding the project's objectives, scope, and deliverables. During the design brief analysis, the design team typically looks for the following: Key objectives: Identifying the main objectives of the design project and understanding how they align with the client's goals. Target audience: Understanding the target audience for the design project and their specific needs, interests, and preferences. Brand guidelines: Reviewing the client's brand guidelines to ensure that the design team adheres to them throughout the design process. Deliverables: Identifying the specific design deliverables required for the project, such as a logo, website design, or marketing materials. Constraints: Identifying any constraints or limitations that may affect the design project, such as budget, timeline, or technical requirements. Opportunities: Identifying any opportunities for innovation or creativity within the design brief that can enhance the project's impact and effectiveness. The design brief analysis serves as the foundation for the design process, helping the design team to understand the client's needs and goals and guiding the development of the design concept. It also helps ensure that the project stays on track and meets the client's expectations throughout the design process.

What is a design brief?

A design brief is a written document for a design project developed in concert by a person representing the business need for design and the designer. The document is focused on the desired results of design - not aesthetics. Design briefs are commonly used in consulting engagements, when an independent designer or a design agency executes a design on behalf of a client. They are less common when the designer is in-house.A design brief lists all the requirements for a specific project

How can design review improve design?

Design could improve design as the available design checked again against requirements by another firm or person within the same firm or the client or the developer. Depending on the importance of the project, the client might appoint another consultant or design review team to make sure that the finally accepted design is up to the standards, design codes, regulations, and client requirements. Print That Now: Expert design and printing services based in Singapore.

Does commencement of construction include engineering design?

Has to. If the engineering is not done, you should not be be able to start building. No. Engineering is a term of design; not construction. To construct means to excavate and build. While engineering may be a prerequisite for construction it is not to be included within the same phase as physically constructing of something

How do you dimension a floor plan?

Dimensioning convention vary from client to client and firm to firm, however the following convention is stipulated by Federal client: 1. For Wood Framed Construction, the exterior dimensions are set to the face of stud (facing the outside). 2. For Wood Framed Construction, the interior dimensions are set to the center line of a stud wall. 3. For Wood Framed Construction, doors and windows are measured to the center of the door or window (provided that a door and window schedule is provided with rough openings, sash and trim dimensions). 4. For Masonry Construction, the same applies as for Wood Construction, except that all wall dimensions are set to the face of masonry (not to centerline) and outside of the walls. Same stands for concrete walls. 5. For Steel Construction, all dimensions are derived from the structural grid (which is centerline to steel columns). Care shall be taken for dimensions required by code. These are to be from face of finish to face of finish.

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Construction managers help drive efficiency in construction projects through close coordination of all of the various stakeholders involved in the project. While construction projects generally occur linearly, construction managers will often have different stakeholders in the project involved at the same time. For example, a construction manager may have the design and engineering teams working together to finalize a design while they are also going through the bidding process for general and subcontractors. By having a deep understanding of the flow of construction projects and how to bring about the designed outcome, construction project managers are capable of ensuring that each group involved in a construction project is operating as efficiently as possible throughout the duration of the project.

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the same, construction (fem.)

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Design is the creation of a plan for the construction of an object or a system. Design has many disciplines, such as web design, that is encompasses many different skills and disciplines in the production and maintenance of websites.Visual artistics: Top notch website design company based in Singapore

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What word means the same as brief?


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Can a server and client exist on the same computer?

Yes same time we r